How To Increase Your Sales during COVID-19
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Written by Zayan Ikram

September 4, 2020

how to increase sales during covid 19

COVID-19 has devastated the economy, and with it left small businesses in distress. Businesses that relied on face to face interactions for sales have especially taken a tremendous hit.

However, there are a few businesses that are thriving. Although it is not a small business, Amazon is one of those that have largely increased their revenue and there are some key takeaway lessons to note from these businesses.

If anything, the pandemic would have made you realise the importance of using multiple delivery methods and marketing channels. The importance of adapting to new technology is now abundantly clear.

That brings us to the question:

How do we skyrocket your sales during the pandemic, like these thriving businesses?

Step 1: Set up an online channel for sales

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There has been an online marketing boom due to the implications of COVID-19. People have started online shopping more frequently because of the inability to buy what they want in store, and due to boredom.

Amazon shares have increased by 48%, eBay’s by 50% and Shopify’s by 26% in just one month by April. Online Retailer Wayfair Inc. has seen their shares skyrocket by 400%. The E-Commerce Market in total has risen by over 85% since February, when the effects of COVID-19 were first being noticed.

So, how do you go about making an e-Commerce Site for your retail store?

There are many platforms that make it quite easy to set up an online store. Shopify, Woocommerce and Bigcommerce are a few e-Commerce platforms that are dominating the industry right now. Here are a few guides on how you could get your site set up on these platforms:

However, setting up an e-Commerce store yourself for the first time may be quite a daunting process. Especially if you are unfamiliar with web development technology.

Platforms like Webstore provides a fully integrated e-Commerce store when you set up your POS system with them. All you have to do is set up your items for your inventory, choose whether you want them online, and automatically creates a beautiful, fully set up an online store for you.

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On top of this, since is a cloud POS system with in-built analytics, you can analyze which items sell better in your store. This allows you to add that item as a featured product on your e-Commerce Store and launch marketing campaigns that allow customers to find it. Check out and similar software services to boost your business productivity here.

Now that you have finished setting up your e-Commerce Store, what’s next?

You must ensure that your customers can find your store.

Step 2: Marketing your site for optimum results

The best part about having an online store is the scalability. If you do your marketing right, you may find yourself acquiring a lot more customers than you expected. The more you invest into your marketing, the more money you make, if done right.

COVID-19 has especially increased the number of traffic online, opening your store up to more opportunities than ever before.

Here are some of the best ways to increase traffic to your site, even if you don’t know where to begin:

  • Optimise your site for SEO

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. It basically involves processes you need to follow so people can find your site easier on Google using specific keywords. So, for example, say you are a retail store that sells clothes for summer. You want people to find you first on Google when you type in Summer Clothes and SEO does just this.

  • Attract Customers with Content Marketing

Running a blog that writes about trending topics in your industry can generate a lot of traffic for your site. Taking the same case study as before, you would use this blog to write articles relating to new fashion trends relating to summer clothes. Curious people searching for different fashion trends will stumble upon your site through your articles and some will get converted.

  • Engage your site in Social Media Conversation

This would involve activities such as sharing your site with friends and family on Facebook, Instagram and such. Talking about topics in your industry in twitter would help as well. Offering discounts and giveaways are all ways to do this.

  • Running Paid Ads to promote your site

Paid Ads generally show your product to people who were already searching for similar products online. With Google, it boosts your page up to the top, even if you have not done SEO right. Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn all have ad features you can utilize to expose your site to people who are interested in your product.


As you can see above, setting up an online channel for your store properly requires a lot of work. However, you will undoubtedly reap the benefits if you do it. COVID-19 has expanded the online market so much that it would be a huge mistake not to start your online store now. Your store only gets better the more you work on it.

The benefits come exponentially the more effort you put into it. Make the most of the opportunity and who knows, maybe your sales will increase even more than before COVID 19. So get started today!

Which of the marketing steps above do you think brings the most ROI? Comment below!

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